Kirk Herbstreit (Sort Of) Apologizes To Florida State Fans

Kirk Herbstreit seems interested in negotiating a ceasefire with Florida State fans.

The ESPN pundit was one of the loudest voices for keeping the Seminoles out of the playoff. He often argued the goal is to put the four best teams in the field, and that meant there was no room for the ACC champs, especially after Jordan Travis suffered a season-ending injury.

That led to FSU fans viewing him as Public Enemy No. 1 in the college football world. A war erupted between the two sides, and it certainly doesn’t seem to have calmed down on the FSU side since the season ended.

Now, Herbstreit is looking to smooth the choppy waters.

Kirk Herbstreit isn’t popular among Florida State fans.

Kirk Herbstreit addresses Florida State beef.
“Ya know I’ve been taking personal shots from guys like you for months. I know there’s nothing I can say that will satisfy you, but I would like to respond. Just want you to know I’m sorry we had a disagreement about teams at the end of the year. I’ve never been a guy that tries to intentionally upset fans with my comments-I’ve always tried to be very professional and respectful to everyone with my thoughts. I do a lot of prep and just give my thoughts. If you agree or disagree, it’s all good. Nothing has ever been personal towards any team or conference. Just give my opinion,” Herbstreit tweeted late last week.

He further added, “I hate that some FSU fans are making it so personal. I have respected the Noles for decades and will continue to do so. I understand the venom towards me-I really do-I wish FSU nothing but the best and can’t wait to see Coach Norvell and his squad this Fall. No matter how many of you come at me on here I’ve got nothing but love for the Noles brand and wish you the best always.”

I’m definitely not sure you can consider this waving the white flag – it’s not – but he definitely did note he’s sorry for how bitter and angry things have gotten.

It’s (sort of) an apology to everyone in Tallahassee who absolutely despises Kirk Herbstreit since last season. College football fans are passionate people, and they definitely didn’t appreciate the angle Herbstreit was arguing.

I don’t blame them. After all, what is the point of the regular season if a 13-0 ACC champ doesn’t get into the field? Why play the regular season at all at that point?


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